Wednesday, February 28, 2007


ok It's uploaded enjoy

Monday, February 26, 2007

Hello all

I made a test for the site that Nim made a CP test...

Create your own Friend Test here

I hope that you like it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Hey you guys! It's a dreary day today... rain and snow has been falling around for a while.... since yesterday.

I'm still waiting to make a post in ST... but I have a plan for a new chary that I added to the MR RPG... she's the evil twin of Fira.

My family still needs prayer for their life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hello all!

It's getting warmer here in MO! It's gonna be a good weekend... Right now I'm in the library having fun talking to my friends! Hanging out, moderating, reading some books... a lot of stuff! I've been thinking about what my next part of Wisdom of the Gryffins is gonna be... I have an idea of what to do...

That's about all that I can think of so, bye for today

Saturday, February 17, 2007

another cold day

today is freezing! It wasn't supposed to snow... but it did!

Nim and I are having a blast in the ST (Silver Tree) collab that we are doing. Right now we have to save Nimelen (Nimelen's chary) from a poison wound! Gwidiona is using the power of her book to find out how to heal it... she has the herbs all that Nimelen has to do is drink it!

The RPG's that I'm in are going great! The LoZ story is going good even though we have lost Rivus... but we have his chary tied up with an ingenius plan that both Rivus and I thought of! The BR RPG on CP is going ok... I still have to find a leader for the good guys... I have one of two people that I'm thinking of asking... if Em says no... I'll have to go with plan B. The MR RPG on CP is going slow now that we have lost two of our people... one with reasons of her own, and the other is doing school work. Roh's RPG that I'm apart of is going good although for a moment we thought that we had lost one of the bad guys! :P

I think that's it...

Friday, February 16, 2007


that is me singing... I like to brush off comments on my voice because it's just another thing that I can do... I'm just glad that God didn't give me a drawing talent!

I lost another shoe on the route! It's so anoying... the first one that I had lost was about 5 months ago... and now... after I got it to be the right color... I lost the stupid shoe! *sighs*

So that is my problem of today!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I joined and put up two things on there... one of which is me playing my ocarina and the other is where I'm singing *blush*

I am putting up the prayer that I put up in CP... I have also added a prayer for me and my family.

Dear Lord, Please guide the lost lamb that has turned to the Wicca back to You, please help her to see that the path that she chose isn't right for her... that only You are right for her. Please help Bethal in her struggles through life, please help Faith to find her way back to You, and thank You for the exchange student that is coming to Kio's house crossed off at least some of their list of things to do on Wedsday and Sunday... I pray that my family will be as one again.... I pray that my brother learns from his girlfriend that You are whats out there and that he needs you... I pray that My mother will learn that my dad loves her more than she knows, let her see that she hurt me deeper than she will ever know. I thank You in Jesus' name... Amen.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Hey y'all :). The Zelda RPG might lose the PW and gain a mod! :pom: I need all the help that I can get... because my friend that is helping me mod the Zelda Games... is leaving in four days...

so that is all the news today.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I forgot my username and almost couldn't get on the blog!

My friend Rivus is leaving in 5 days and going to TX. I posted more stuff in the collabs... I actually got the Zelda RPG going :pom:

Well that's it for today :) like I said I have a boring life.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

First Blog :)

This is my first blog so bear with me ok? My name is Sarrasi Rasinco... most people on CleanPlace know me as Sari, Sarra, or Rasi. I'll try to post something in here every week to one month... maybe a picture, maybe a question, sometimes a bit about my boring life :P. I like to do collabs on CleanPlace, and I am currantly a moderator of two boards on there. I RP with quite a few people and am currantly part of four RPG's all of them are writting ones... I have four collabs that I have started, and one that I am a part of that I am really enjoying. My friend Nimelen started that one.

I love to read, play video games, watch movies, and play my ocarina. My favorite books include, LOTR, DioM, DK, Tamara Pierce books, and Mandie books. My fav games include Zelda, Smash Bros, Dark Cloud (don't let the name fool you it's actually a very fun game with little dark in there except for a certain cloud), and Jak and Daxter. My fav movie is LOTR, but for the cartoons I have to go with Beauty and the Beast...

Anyway that is all that I can think of for now... I'll post later this week :)